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karenlee_HEADER new
Monday, May 28, 2007

woi im still really bz and i still have no life..

finals coming so so soon!

a quiz and two group assignments due this week yo!

then, it's study study all the way...


karen wrote this at... 1:56 pm
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


i miss my comfort people. the ones who know me most.

my high school friends. we're really all in different paths, in diff parts of the world!

him. me. the beach. perfection.

the trip. the place i wanna be.

the go-kart we never went

i think i almost died jungle trekking!

the most unforgettable v-day ever ever!!!

this photo of my bro cracks my up!!!

we look good in the pic :)

i miss them

such an odd pic. both of them look like they are trying not to laugh!!


karen wrote this at... 2:56 am
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

i can finally post pics.

terence's grad photos:

chris's 21st:

msian dance party

i hate not having a camera!

i miss my hols

karen wrote this at... 2:58 pm
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

if i was richer...
i would have my own apartment and live by myself!!
i am so so sick of my housemakes making so much noise in the middle of the night,
the kitchen being so so terribly disgusting (ok. they get clean from time to time),
this doesn't bug me that much..
but i get MOST grossed out when people use my stuff and not wash them. and just use them and put them in the sink for DAYS. and worse still, they can even have the nerve to USE YOUR POTS AND RICE COOKER AND LEAVE THEM FOR WEEKS WITHOUT WASHING..
my gosh, my housemate used my rice cooker to cook congee EONS ago ( i didn't even know abt it btw.. ) and the ONE time i wanted to steam 'pau' coz i'm sick, i find out that it hasn't been washed and the congee wasn't even finished and WAS MOULDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously. my patience has it limits.

5 bedroom apartment. SUCKS!

karen wrote this at... 1:43 pm
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Monday, May 14, 2007

it suddenly starts and it goes really loud for a while... and then, it stops.

sometimes i think he's really cute when he snores


karen wrote this at... 1:33 am
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nothing much has been happening. i still can't really cook,my room is still messy & i'm still wayy behind in my studies. really.

had dinner with ange,tez and shing today. i cooked some salted-vege-looking soup and shing made a delicious dinner out of the leftovers from ange's potluck last friday night. and we had dessert too :)

i went for paintball with the sporean society yesterday. i am NOT sporean but i was there coz my friends were there and it seemed fun. BIG MISTAKE!!! it was so not fun.. i had 12 bruises and after sleeping for 12 hrs last night and 2 more hrs this afternoon, my body still aches and i still feel like an abused child.

lesson learnt: never play against sporean guys, esp since they went for NS!!!

and as mentioned, had kickboxing & salsa classes on weds and thurs. i am officially the worst student in both classes! i so knew that i was never meant to do sports, and that's why i was born skinny i guess.

my appetite is growing! seriously. even when i'm full, i'm eating!

karen wrote this at... 1:14 am
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Friday, May 11, 2007


betcha didn't know i take kickboxing and salsa classes.

and swim from time to time..

and might take up art.

happy happy :)

karen wrote this at... 11:38 am
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

May 8, 1997

1) How old were you? 1o-ish

2) Where did you go to school? smk sri petaling

3) Where did you work? at school. don't think i did much work.

4) Where did you live? tmn tun

5) Where did you hang out? seriously don't remember. i think wings, and lee faye and i had tuition after school.. i think janfaye, pek kee, mei sein and wings and i had a club thingie together. we wanted to raise funds and do cool stuff and we had this 'secret' hangout spot.

6) Did you wear glasses? no.

7) Who was your best friends? wing sun

8 ) How many tattoos did you have? none

9) How many piercings did you have? two. one on each ear.

10) What car did you drive? i could only ride the 4-wheels bicycle.

11) Had you been to a real party? only kiddy bday parties. i think i started going for sleepovers and hanging out at shopping malls..

12) Had your heart broken? NO

May 8, 2002

1) How old were you? 15 going on 16

2) Where did you go to school? smk (p) sri aman

3) Where did you work? i was so slack. i slept and slept and talked in school. never paid attention at my classes.

4) Where did you live? tmn tun.

5) Where did you hang out? good question. i don't really remember.

7) Who was your best friends? wingsun, janfaye? ducklas? i don't really remember

8 ) Who was your regular-person crush? there was no regular person! ;p

9) How many tattoos did you have? none

10) How many piercing did you have? i think i got four more done when i was 15. i had/have three on each ear

11) What car did you drive? still couldn't drive

12) Had you had your heart broken? nope! :D

May 8, 2007

1) How old are you? 2o ish

2) Where do you work? at uni. if u call studying and attending lectures/tutes work

3) Where do you live? newtown, sydney :D

4) Do you wear glasses? nope!

5) Where do you hang out? my room, the city, campos coffee, hoochie's, the library, the meeting room to study... (damn i have no life)

6) Who is your best friends? terence :)

8 ) Do you talk to your old friends? Yes i do..all the time..

9) How many piercing do you have? the same ones i had when i was 16

10) How many tattoos?none. i want one!!!

11) What kind of car do you drive? car-less. sigh.

12) Has your heart been broken? yep.



(if u want me to tag u, gimme your names.hahaha)

karen wrote this at... 4:47 pm
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i have been thinking...

should i?


i like this more...

it's freaking USD975!!!


karen wrote this at... 4:38 pm
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


argh. accidentally pulled the ipod out of wire/comp.

terrible terrible mistake.

was jammed. and when restarted, all songs were GONE!!!

it's tragic, really.


karen wrote this at... 11:37 am
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Name: k a r E n *
Home: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

See my complete profile



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University of Sydney
Charles Billich
Purple Mascara
Cosmopolitan UK
Post Secret
PINK is the new blog
Closet Therapy



a red prada wallet


New York



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karenlee_CREDIT 2

the amazing and beautiful Karen Marie :)
krnl lyt by lyyyl

miss m
