is when u've showered a few hours ago and yet feel the oil glands and tiny pimples protruding from your forehead. your hair is messy and it feels like an old broom even though it's freshyly washed and conditioned. your notes are everywhere and you find yourself constantly screaming and having sudden panic attacks
is when u try to convince yourself that you are NOT stressed by shopping on a rainy day, sleeping till lunchtime because the bed is owh-so-cozy and the room is owh-so-cold and it's owh-so-rainy outside, and only waking up coz u really feel like a pig (and u are hungry); stuffing yourself with food even though u ate A VERY FILLING HOME COOKED DINNER a minute ago.
welcome to my life.
thurs: international financial management
fri: investments and portfolio theory
mon: labour economics
weds: international macroeconomics
i think i will be relatively happy this friday afternoon, unless i screwed both my finance papers...