the sydney royal easter show was good but it was almost the same as last year's so i most probably won't go again next year..
We initially planned to leave home at 9.30 am but of course, i couldn't wake up and i was slow so we left one hour later. Before leaving, we bought breakfast and took a bus to central station where we took a train to the olympic park..
when we went in, i was very excited because there were heaps of showbags and games and rides...
the first thing we went to see was the woodchop competition. it was quite interesting but it was very very draggy...
then, we went to check out on the SHOWBAGS!!!
i was of course, very very excited and happy when i went in. Out of all five of us, Terence and I were the only one who bought showbags.. Terence bought a Coca-cola showbag and i bought one from Happy Tree Friends :) I'm still contemplating whethere i should ask Eugene to get another one for me from NewWoman coz he's going there this weds..
then, we went around games booths and we went to see animals.. :)
(too lazy to edit pics)
and we saw how they milked the cow using the machine..
then, we ate food. and more food. and we watched a rodeo and sat on a ride...
so yeah, that is the end. i had fun. it was a good trip. :)